Me: Hey buddy. Whatcha doing?
Wetsoks: Playing Ranch Rush 2.
Me: Is that like Farmville?
Wetsoks: (glaring at me) .... No.
Me: Okay, so - do you grow crops?
Wetsoks: Well, yes.
Me: And do you raise livestock?
Wetsoks: Well, kind of-
Me: I see. And could it be said that this game covers basic elements of the noble art of farming?
Wetsoks: I.... guess.
Me: I see. Dude, I hate to break the bad news but you're playing Farmville.
Wetsoks: I'm not playing Farmville.
Me: You are. You just don't know it.
Wetsoks: It's Ranch Rush 2!
Me: It's totally Farmville.
Wetsoks maintainted a sulky silence while I started yelling quotes from the amazing Farmville parody on Youtube ("Farmville - pushing the limits of the imagination... BACKWARDS!" and "Farmville, just like real farming.... BUT WITHOUT THE BENEFITS!" are two of my particular favourites), which is below. Enjoy!
Its totally different - if for no other reason than it doesn't do those annoying updates on Face book!!